Foxyskin sheds light on "Clean," "Organic," and "Natural" Skincare!

The terms "clean," "organic," and "natural" are used so frequently in the cosmetics industry that they have virtually lost their meaning. The most aggravating aspect is that no one appears to have a simple definition for any of them. 

We want safe and effective skincare products, but how can we wade through marketing language to find them? Foxyskin will elucidate what organic, natural, clean, and non-toxic really mean in terms of skincare.

Natural skincare is described as employing components that are found in nature such as water, a plant, or even the coconut oil. There are no rules governing the use of “Natural skincare”, that is the reason why it has been excessively used in the industry. A product branded as “Natural” does not mean that all used ingredients are natural. The use of a single natural ingredient within the formula is enough to be labeled as “natural”. This means that sometimes the marketing message might convert you towards harmful products. Plus, just because an item comes from nature doesn't imply it's better for you or the environment. When hyaluronic acid is extracted from the umbilical cords of cows and horses, it is considered as a natural component.

What is "Clean" or "Non-Toxic" skincare?

While the term "clean" isn't subject to regulation, it still carries more weight than the term "natural." Many people mistakenly mix the term "clean" with "safe" or “non-toxic” cosmetics. While “natural” skincare focuses on the ingredients in the recipe, “clean” skincare focuses on what the product is free from as well as the impact of the product on the environment. At the end of the day, the term differs based on what each brand considers as "clean." Some companies will even employ biodegradable or minimal packaging to describe their “clean products”.

Typically, clean beauty products have a long list of "free from" chemicals, such as pollutants and dubious compounds like sulfates and parabens. Clean beauty, unlike natural and organic beauty, isn't afraid of “lab-created” components as long as they're safe. Because the FDA has only banned 11 chemicals in cosmetics, it's up to manufacturers (and you) to define what's clean.

 At Foxyskin, all our products are certified by USDA, NSF, OASIS, UK Soil, Certech or Ecocert. Our entire collection is cruelty-free and includes vegan products.

 What is “organic skincare”? 

So, “organic” rigidly relates to products farmed without the use of pesticides, artificial fertilizers, or any other synthetic substance. Organic is the most tightly controlled of all the terms. A product must be created with at least 95 percent synthetic-free ingredients to be certified organic. The FDA regulates the use of the term "organic" through the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act. USDA-certified organic beauty products must be certified by an accredited agent, indicating that any product with that certification is prepared from components that have been produced, handled, and packaged according to strict guidelines. While "organic" is the most meaningful term, it only has that meaning when it is accompanied by an official certification.

So, what is best for me?

As previously stated, the majority of us seek skincare that is both healthy for our bodies and delivers the results we desire. Unfortunately, scanning labels on packages is insufficient. To make the greatest option for your skin, research the brand, read the ingredient list, and look for any certifications the product may have.



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